Essay Assignment #1 – Description
To complete this assignment, you must observe a public place for at least 20 minutes. You can observe a store, a restaurant, a park, a mall, a government office, a specific area of the college campus or any other area open to and frequented by the public. You will write a descriptive essay of the place you observe. (Do not attempt to use a memory of a past experience. To succeed on this essay, you need to write about an observation you do specifically for this assignment.)
Observation of a Public Place
When you conduct your observation, notice the people who inhabit the place you have chosen. Who are they? Why are they there? What do they look like? What are they doing? How do they behave? Do they seem happy, nervous, hopeful, frustrated, cheerful, bored? As you observe your public place, pay attention to the physical environment. What does it look like? What does it sound like? How does it affect the people in it?
Be sure to take notes as you conduct your observation. In addition to recording your overall impressions, write down as many specifics and sensory details as you can. Try to connect details that you observe to the impressions they create.
Outline – due (use form on back)
Once you have completed your observation, define the dominant impression of the place you observed that you want to convey to your reader. Write a working thesis statement that expresses your dominant impression. Identify three to four main points that you will use to support your thesis. Make sure you have enough specifics and details to discuss for each supporting point.
You will receive 10 points if you bring your reasonably complete outline to class and participate in the outline workshop on the due date. No points for late outlines!
First Draft – 10 points – due (typed or handwritten and double-spaced!)
Write a draft of your descriptive essay. Your draft should include (1) a clear introduction that specifies the location of your observation and contains your thesis statement; (2) three or four body paragraphs, consisting of specific, detailed description; (3) and a concluding paragraph. You may type or neatly handwrite your draft. Please double-space (skip every other line).
You will receive 10 points if you bring your reasonably complete draft to class and participate in the draft workshop on the due date. No points for late drafts!
Final Draft – 100 points – due
Revise your draft, taking into consideration feedback you received in the draft workshop.
Essay guidelines
- Your final draft should be at least two full pages long and have at least five paragraphs.
- Your essay should contain an explicit thesis statement that expresses the dominant impression of your observation that you are trying to convey in your essay.
- Support your thesis statement with evidence in the form of specific, concrete details from your observation. If your body paragraphs do not support your thesis, make an adjustment.
- Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence that expresses the main point of the paragraph.
- You may use the first-person voice (but you don’t have to).
- Please title your essay!
- Format your final draft in MLA style (see Formatting handout).
Complete this form to create your outline for Essay 1…
Tentative title for your essay: ________________________________
I. Introduction
Thesis statement: ______________________________________________________________
Your thesis statement should be a complete sentence that (1) identifies the location of your observation and (2) expresses your point of view on the location. Note: The thesis statement need not be the first sentence of your essay. A good place for the thesis is usually the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.
II. Supporting point 1: _____________________________________________________
Try to express your point in a complete sentence that can serve as a topic sentence for the paragraph.
List specifics and details that you plan to use to develop your point.
A. _______________________________________________________
B. _______________________________________________________
C. _______________________________________________________
D. _______________________________________________________
III. Supporting point 2: _____________________________________________________
A. _______________________________________________________
B. _______________________________________________________
C. _______________________________________________________
D. _______________________________________________________
IV. Supporting point 3: _____________________________________________________
A. _______________________________________________________
B. _______________________________________________________
C. _______________________________________________________
D. _______________________________________________________
(Add more supporting points if necessary.)
II. Supporting point 1: _____________________________________________________
III. Supporting point 2: _____________________________________________________
IV. Supporting point 3: _____________________________________________________
(Add more supporting points if necessary.)
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